Attitudinal Healing Study Groups
Heartlight has developed and offers unique Study Groups to learn and experience the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing. We offer 10 and 12-week sessions for small groups that meet once a week for two hours to explore the Principles through readings, meditations, experiential exercises, written exercises and optional sharing.
Occasionally, we also offer Study Groups that are fewer weeks, or groups that are dedicated to those with a specific concern or experience in life. Heartlight’s Study Groups are not therapy, but a place to be supported in your efforts to shift your thoughts from fear to love and your experience from conflict to peace.
In our groups, we use guidelines created by AH International for all Attitudinal Healing groups. These guidelines stress that each person has the power and inner wisdom to do their own healing, so no advice is given and listening is done without comment or judgment. We recognize that confidentiality is of ultimate importance to create a space of safety and trust, and we agree to focus on our own process of releasing fearful attitudes to experience inner peace and support each other in doing the same.
“Your Attitude is everything and determines how you experience every aspect of your life. You cannot always control what happens to you in the world, but you do determine how you react to it many times a day by your attitude. ”